VideoHive 和AudioJungle 是Envato旗下两个并列的网站,VideoHive主要出售AE模板视频素材等,而AudioJungle主要出售音乐,是VideoHive AE模板专用的背景音乐,一首音乐本身的价格甚至比模板还贵。音乐的风格多样,包含大量轻快、婚礼、浪漫、积极、震撼等风格,无水印人声,格式为MP3+WAV,市面最全。
Envato 旗下的模板与配乐本身就是分割开的,模板的作者并没有权利提供原版的配乐,他们制作时也仅仅是选用了带干扰音的小样(配乐的售价比模板本身还贵),国外AE片头模板的作者所用的配乐大都选自:Audio Jungle配乐交易平台,官方网址:
Audio Jungle音乐合集适用于:动作、冒险、军队、黄铜、建筑、黑暗、戏剧性,鼓,史诗,秋天,farewall,电影,好莱坞,不朽的,介绍,电影,乐团,打击乐,力量,强大,研究,节奏,上升,字符串,悬念,悬疑的,太,标题,拖车,战士,背景,美丽,开始,铃铛,安静,庆典,圣诞节,圣诞节,圣诞音乐,商业,祝贺,如梦如幻,问候,节日,假日,标志,循环,魔术,音乐,新的一年,开瓶器,开放的,积极的,放松,浪漫,总之,幻灯片,速度慢,网站,圣诞节,钟声,庆祝活动,儿童,圣诞节,圣诞标志,圣诞音乐,清洁,商业,童话,礼品,问候,节日,节日的标志,介绍,顺口溜,标志,魔术,魔幻,音乐,新的一年,开放,演讲,戒指,浪漫的,浪漫的标志,短,速度慢,视频,网站,圣诞节,动作,冒险,颂歌,钟声,圣诞节,电影,企业,舞蹈,戏剧,戏剧,礼品,好莱坞,缩进,叮叮当,电影,新的一年,胡桃夹子,乐队,铃声,圣诞老人,雪花,精神,职称,拖车,,圣诞节…等很多场合
试听方法:前往 Audio Jungle官网 搜索框中输入曲目名中的 数字编号,回车即可直达。
本站所有Audio Jungle系列音乐音效统一下载页面地址:👉点击前往
- Epic Adventure 20994122
- Epic Beauty 12850460
- Epic Blockbuster 12088859
- Epic Blockbuster Cinematic Trailer 10510893
- Epic Brave Trailer Glory 17899080
- Epic Cinematic Dramatic Trailer 19285737
- Epic Cinematic Emotional Intro 22811355
- Epic Cinematic Hybrid Action Trailer 19170478
- Epic Cinematic Motivational Track 23725893
- Epic Cinematic Trailer 10185535
- Epic Cinematic Two 15324312
- Epic Cinematic Uplifting 20508960
- Epic Cinematic Uplifting Background 20155470
- Epic Cinematic with Vocal 23146705
- Epic Colours 17111440
- Epic Corporate 19306256
- Epic Dark 16853439
- Epic Drama 7209072
- Epic Dramatic Heroic Inspiring 21784455
- Epic Electronic 12252714
- Epic Emotional Cinematic Trailer 2598819
- Epic Energetic Final Duel 21780701
- Epic Energy 15258408
- Epic Extreme 15986278
- Epic Fantasy 20868390
- Epic For Action 17089428
- Epic Gods 15226812
- Epic Hero 14961768
- Epic Hero Trailer 12015677
- Epic Heroic 17054612
- Epic Hip Hop 20365423
- Epic Hit 15282025
- Epic Hybrid Trailer 22678247
- Epic Inspiration 15461526
- Epic Inspirational 14860878
- Epic Inspirational Cinematic Emotional 20496283
- Epic Inspirational Emotional 19661768
- Epic Inspirational Trailer 10798337
- Epic Inspirations 22098676
- Epic Inspire 19438297
- Epic Inspire Motivational 17023636
- Epic Inspire Uplifting 17268007
- Epic Inspired 22469580
- Epic Inspiring And Motivational 19529168
- Epic Inspiring Is Motivational 24062115
- Epic Inspiring Motivational Cinematic 20038620
- Epic Inspiring Trailer 21933364
- Epic Knight 3791351
- Epic Light 12948295
- Epic Monkey Battle 8886357
- Epic Motivational Hip Hop 23964116
- Epic Movie 16772897
- Epic Movie Score 15613756
- Epic Movie Trailer 20785233
- Epic Ominous Trailer 7329829
- Epic Piano 12776378
- Epic Piano and Orchestra 17172851
- Epic Pirate Battle Theme 6564152
- Epic Powerful 19684744
- Epic Rising Motivation 8332903
- Epic Rock Cinematic Trailer 19468538
- Epic Sad Emotional Dramatic Piano 22498865
- Epic Sixteen 19223148
- Epic Sport Car Promo 21343982
- Epic Storm 22748419
- Epic Superheroes in Action 21434274
- Epic Symphonic Orchestral 22033814
- Epic Trailer 11322336
- Epic Trailer Inspiration 18713113
- Epic Travel 22531482
- Epic Twenty Eight 16562951
- Epic Twenty One 19763608
- Epic Uplifting 17489373
- Epic Uplifting Cinematic 21877531
- Epic Uplifting Inspire 17690936
- Epic War Trailer 13827693
- Epic Wedding Romantic Adventures 20094656
- Epical 15641702
红森林 » 【配乐音效】Audiojungle超实用配乐素材库片头模板音乐第77辑
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