VideoHive 和AudioJungle 是Envato旗下两个并列的网站,VideoHive主要出售AE模板视频素材等,而AudioJungle主要出售音乐,是VideoHive AE模板专用的背景音乐,一首音乐本身的价格甚至比模板还贵。音乐的风格多样,包含大量轻快、婚礼、浪漫、积极、震撼等风格,无水印人声,格式为MP3+WAV,市面最全。
Envato 旗下的模板与配乐本身就是分割开的,模板的作者并没有权利提供原版的配乐,他们制作时也仅仅是选用了带干扰音的小样(配乐的售价比模板本身还贵),国外AE片头模板的作者所用的配乐大都选自:Audio Jungle配乐交易平台,官方网址:
Audio Jungle音乐合集适用于:动作、冒险、军队、黄铜、建筑、黑暗、戏剧性,鼓,史诗,秋天,farewall,电影,好莱坞,不朽的,介绍,电影,乐团,打击乐,力量,强大,研究,节奏,上升,字符串,悬念,悬疑的,太,标题,拖车,战士,背景,美丽,开始,铃铛,安静,庆典,圣诞节,圣诞节,圣诞音乐,商业,祝贺,如梦如幻,问候,节日,假日,标志,循环,魔术,音乐,新的一年,开瓶器,开放的,积极的,放松,浪漫,总之,幻灯片,速度慢,网站,圣诞节,钟声,庆祝活动,儿童,圣诞节,圣诞标志,圣诞音乐,清洁,商业,童话,礼品,问候,节日,节日的标志,介绍,顺口溜,标志,魔术,魔幻,音乐,新的一年,开放,演讲,戒指,浪漫的,浪漫的标志,短,速度慢,视频,网站,圣诞节,动作,冒险,颂歌,钟声,圣诞节,电影,企业,舞蹈,戏剧,戏剧,礼品,好莱坞,缩进,叮叮当,电影,新的一年,胡桃夹子,乐队,铃声,圣诞老人,雪花,精神,职称,拖车,,圣诞节…等很多场合
试听方法:前往 Audio Jungle官网 搜索框中输入曲目名中的 数字编号,回车即可直达。
本站所有Audio Jungle系列音乐音效统一下载页面地址:👉点击前往
- The Upbeat Indie Rock 24971320
- Thinking Background 4443685
- This Animated Kit 24840069
- This Christmas 24925297
- This Christmas 25148304
- This Comedy 17690223
- This Epic 23670527
- This Halloween 18414190
- This Haunted House 3955466
- This Hip-Hop 19664548
- This is Christmas 24811684
- This is Cinematic Piano 21880589
- This Is Drama 15302599
- This Is Dramatic Adventure 15104012
- This Is Epic Inspiration 21763034
- This Is Epic Trailer 24314116
- This Is Epical 16426183
- This Is Epical 21937677
- This Is Epicness 16142767
- This is Hip-Hop 19492912
- This Is New Year 25296258
- This is Nostalgia 24157482
- This is Piano Trailer 16651203
- This Is Pirates 15569471
- This is Technology 26164392
- This is Technology 26536600
- This Is the Trap 23675690
- This Is Western 25075049
- This Jazz 24275381
- This Kitchen 23326112
- This Logo 23864259
- This Means War 11718
- This Motivation 22816613
- This Motivation Pack 25421005
- This Motivation 22816613
- Uplifting Corporate Music 24950661
- Uplifting Serious Music 23987046
- This Old Man 21491505
- This Piano Inspires 22783678
- This Playful 22595356
- This Sport Epic Rock 19859831
- This Summer Hip-Hop 22001854
- This Upbeat Fun Kit 24342148
- This Uplifting Corporate 25167318
- This Vlog Kit 22848062
- Thoughtful Cinematic Piano 124781
- Thoughtful Corporate 26263453
- Thoughtful Piano 20088070
- Thoughtful Piano 23182849
- Three Blind Mice 21870425
- Thrilling Epic 16924560
- Thunder and Rain 24451355
- Time Capsule 16603596
- Time Heals 11753691
- Time News 25048734
- Time of the Hawk Retro 80’s Synthwave Futuristic 24550915
- Time to Play 19215675
- Time-lapse Beautiful Cinematic Piano 19537570
- Timelapse 22598345
- Timelapse Background 9269681
- Timelapse Cooking 23835419
- Timelapse Positive 23900647
- Timelapse Video 16491968
- Timeless 2357264
- Timeless Beauty 5632457
- Timeless Story 10103293
- Tinkle Tune 7464
- Tiny Happy Christmas Kit 23003752
- Title Effect With Bell Ring Panned 24319237
- To Be Funny 23116062
- To Epic 23889176
- To Inspiration 20740497
- To Inspire 15804921
- To The Epic 17018506
- To The Rescue 3960861
- To Uplifting 23109944
- Together Emotional Piano Background 22018184
- Too Cool For You 26097864
- Too Many Tears 7000197
- Top of the World 20332672
- Toy Song 26218363
- Toys 4079556
- Traditional Blues 23823072
- Tragedy 24977206
- Tragic 26176856
- Tragic Downfall 23811822
- Trailer 16289385
- Trailer Intro 19494780
- Trailer Teaser 20443406
- Trailer Trap 26503351
- Transitions 24727865
- Transitions 24749092
- Trap 24973060
- Trap Bass Edm 23553710
- Trap Beat Sound 24695844
- Trap Club 23621526
- Trap for Car 24281663
- Trap On It 24686033
- Trap Ready 14809898
- Trap Sport Action Opener 24565380
- Trap Sport Action Opener 25400581
- Trap Sport Opener 20183076
- Trap This 22438174
- The Great Wilderness 9690168
- The Great Wonder 20621634
- The Greatest Heist 26218729
- The Happy 23835582
- The Happy 24739533
- The Happy 24925241
- The Happy Funk 25862855
- The Happy Funk Kit 24052967
- The Happy Kit 20001400
- The Heavy Rock Intro Ident 26069516
- The Hip-Hop 25418839
- The History 21876020
- The History of Our Fathers 23152
- The Hopeful 19039309
- The House Of Fear 3202784
- The Hunter 15002216
- The Indie Rock 25288613
- The Indie Rock 25928741
- The Inspiration Background 19929272
- The Inspirational Piano And Orchestra 14787924
- The Inspirational Piano Epic 20504484
- The Inspire 15937946
- The Inspired 12941460
- The Inspired 15800350
- The Inspired Piano 20957180
- The Inspiring Epic 19578692
- The Inspiring Epic Trailer 20740455
- The Inspiring Piano 2564588
- The Inspiring Technology 21507846
- The Invasion 8390492
- The Investigation 2835806
- The Jazz Music Kit 23703618
- The Journey Begins 2632
- The Journey Begins 5396401
- The Kids 11350855
- The Kids 2950676
- The Killing 4923324
- The Last Kingdom 14447018
- The Last Kiss 8592569
- The Legend Of A Man 6075761
- The Love We Lost 23102013
- The More We Get Together 23889323
- The Morning After 4238854
- The Motion at Midnight 12637351
- The Movie Trailer 16935432
- The Muffin Man 18891259
- The Native American 25599169
- The New King 3067864
- The New Vision Corporate 20795174
- The Patriotic Music 18398496
- The Pirates 15422450
- The Playful 20882450
- The Playful 21852425
- The Political Campaign 23917628
- The Power of Belief 18656486
- The Power of Halloween 5150128
- The Promise of Hope 19479455
- The Promotion Video 26217914
- The Queen Of Desert 10435898
- The Ramadan 26399018
- The Red Army 4158
- The Reel 21254015
- The Reggaeton 24029365
- The Romantic Piano 17456420
- The Sadness 8186078
- The Science 26102535
- The Secret Story 5030577
- The Show 11662187
- The Sound of Silence 26473650
- The Spartan Warrior 2793484
- The Sport Energy Beat 26145663
- The Sport Rock Trailer Beat 24347618
- The Sport Trap 25462147
- The Stylish 24495603
- The Success 23511497
- The Summer Positive Happy Hip-Hop 19918357
- The Sunset 26421801
- The Suspense Ambient 26153377
- The Talisman 6530627
- The Tech 23221642
- The Technology 23436119
- The Technology 24500123
- The Trailer 20427607
- The Tropical House 23430755
- The Undertaking 14704231
- Tenderhearted Piano 2703958
- Tense Atmosphere 11958756
- Tension 15793021
- Tension 17260809
- Tension 22636860
- Tension Music 22815001
- Tension On A Space Craft 25291602
- Tensional Epic Atmosphere 22874087
- Texas 20985984
- Texas Rock 20785535
- That Christmas 24982494
- That Epic Dubstep 19464954
- That Epic Upbeat 21254979
- That Epicness 23504632
- That Funkin’ Ukulele 8557361
- That Happy Vocals 23978132
- That Inspiring Electronic 25925287
- That is Funk 23114255
- That Logo 25012920
- That Teaser 23254662
- That Uplifting Music 22709082
- The Acoustic Guitar 24517348
- The Adventure 13398690
- The Adventurist 8836397
- The Big Idea 5263452
- The Black Friday 19990997
- The Chill 2 23354272
- The Christmas 20947928
- The Christmas 22743230
- The Christmas 25117590
- The Christmas 25174899
- The Christmas Kit 23158048
- The Christmas Pack 23140236
- The Circle of Nations 2729201
- The Collapse 26412763
- The Competition Rock 22224881
- The Corporate Background 26470224
- The Corporate Motivational Spirit Kit 24596975
- The Corporate Music 25956194
- The Crackdown 12737559
- The Cure 22712158
- The Dark Electronica 25296369
- The Dark Path 10547838
- The Dark Side 5787340
- The Day Begins 2192796
- The Documentary Piano 23800909
- The Economy 25970172
- The Emotional 22946128
- The Epic 11620918
- The Epic 15571430
- The Epic 23341070
- The Epic 25055600
- The Epic Action 16455948
- The Epic Cinematic 15939586
- The Epic Cosmos 1859235
- The Epic Dramatic Action Adventure 26330357
- The Epic Dubstep 19820207
- The Epic Energy 20480096
- The Epic Heroes 15939663
- The Epic Heroic Orchestral 25214020
- The Epic II 15009780
- The Epic Inspire 16070429
- The Epic Inspire Trailer 18551977
- The Epic Motivation 16950650
- The Epic Motivational 22519621
- The Epic Movie 22107552
- The Epic Trailer 16439852
- The Epic Trailer 22532642
- The Event 24998969
- The Extreme 22806893
- The Fanfare 20953393
- The Fast And Furious 6977453
- The Final Chapter 8836836
- The Flower Waltz 26404909
- The Folks 24775220
- The Funk 25025432
- The Funk Beat 26195406
- The Funk Pack 25428579
- The Future Bass 19663093
- The Future Hip Hop 24278428
- The Future Pop 20044605
- The Future Positive Bass 25430074
- The Glitch Inspiration 15274475
- The Graduation Music 24830236
红森林 » 【配乐音效】Audiojungle超实用配乐素材库片头模板音乐第91/92/93辑
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